Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Jacob Ryan is here!

WHEW! We have been SO busy! But, couldn't be more thrilled of the arrival of Jacob. He is just a sweet little bundle of joy.
He came into our lives on December 3, 2009 at 4:27 PM
Weighed 8 lbs 6.5 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long, BIG BOY!
He is healthy and happy, and I am doing great. The labor was super easy and so fast! I am so thankful for all of your thoughts and prayers!
Grace just adores her little brother and is such a big helper! She helps feed and change him, and loves on him all the time. She is such a little mama. I love watching her with him.
Here are a few pictures of our past few days, sorry there aren't many, my computer is acting up and this is all I can get to for now, but, don't you worry, there will be more posted as soon as possible!
{Jacob Ryan Kucera}

{Grace loving on her new baby brother - precious}

{Mommy and Jacob with the FABULOUS nurse}

In other news, we just found out that Justin will be leaving me again, only this time, much longer :( He will be headed offshore for a DIP test (don't ask) December 28th (which means he will miss our 3 year anniversary on the 30th) and will not return until sometime late January. I am, to say the least, devestated that he will be gone so long so soon into Jacob's life. So any support, prayers, and company would be FAB!
Love to you all.
I will write again soon, after all, I have 2 TMTT to catch up on, and about 400 blog posts to read. Ha!!!
Blessings, XOXOXO


The Lenz Family said...

Ashley congrats on the new addition! That is so exciting!

Abby said...

Oh my goodness!! He is so beautiful. Congrats to you and your family!!! You look great!!

the clark family. said...

He's beautiful, Ashley! Gotta love those big baby boys! Seriously adorable picture of Grace and her baby together. She's going to be such a help - I swear, I hear from everybody how wonderful it is when the first one's a girl because she wants to help out with all the subsequent siblings. Lucky you!!
I'm praying for your family, I cannot even begin to imagine how devastated I would be if I were separated from my husband for a month... not even to mention having a new born and a toddler! You're a wonder!
Good luck- we'll have to get our little boys together when you're able- they're less than 5 months apart!!

Holly said...

I absolutely love that picture of Grace kissing Jacob!! Soooo cute! I can't wait to meet this little man, he's so handsome :) I'm totally bummed to hear that hubby will be out of town for so long....grrr....I hope that we'll get to see all of you for a little bit while we're down there though. Ah, I can't believe you two got married 3 years ago?!? That's ridiculous, are you sure its been 3 years?

Kerbi said...

Ahh! So happy Jacob is here! Such a precious blessing! Glad Grace is 'helping so much'! Sorry your hubs will be gone for so long, I'll seep y'all in my prayers!

Jamie said...

congrats! he is adorable!

the tichenor family said...

Congratulations sweet mama, Jacob is precious and perfect... he looks so much like Grace!

I will be in prayer over your family as your hubby leaves. Kevin travels SO MUCH so I understand the heartache that goes along with having your hubby/children's father/helper gone. YOU CAN DO IT!!

Love to you and your family of FOUR!

Tricia Keierleber said...


Now that I am a nanny I am sad to say I have less time for this... BUT if you need/want an extra hand or someone to keep you company- you know where to find me. :)

Kelsey @ Seattle Smith's said...


5th Belle Avenue said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! He is PRECIOUS!!! I hope you are enjoying this sweet, sweet time with your precious family! HUGS!

Jerri said...

Congrats on your new addition! Hope you are getting along ok without your hubs and that he returns home safely very soon! Happy New Year!